Empowering Minds

Student to Student

Peer to Peer

Discover how we are making a difference in the lives of students from grades 1 to 12 by bringing together dedicated volunteer tutors and university students to provide free academic help to those in need. With our support, struggling students can overcome their academic challenges and reach their full potential.

Subjects we teach

  • From subtraction and long division, to integrals and functions, our vast array of capable tutors will be able to help you succeed and reach your full academic potential. We offer practice problems and simple explanations to all your required needs

  • Our tutors have dedicated many years in both academic and immersion French and are capable of teaching many topics. From beginner level subjects such as basic phrasing and past tense verbs, to more advanced situations like proper conversational speech. Whatever level you are need assistance with, we are here to help you.

  • Coming April

Our mission…

At InQuisitive, our mission is to provide a helping hand to children who are in need of academic aid. We believe that every child deserves equal opportunities to succeed in their education, regardless of their financial background. With our free online tutoring service, we aim to bridge the gaps in education by connecting students from K - 12 with volunteer tutors who can provide personalized guidance and support. By offering this service for free, we hope to ensure that no child is left behind in achieving their academic goals. Our online tutoring program will empower children to excel in their studies, build confidence, and unlock their full academic potential, ultimately paving the way for a brighter future.

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